A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash

A Crude Awakening The Oil Crash is an awardwinning documentary film about peak oil, produced and directed by Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack.

The documentary examines our dependence on oil, showing how oil is essential for almost every aspect of our modern lifestyle, from driving to work to clothing and clean tap water. A Crude Awakening asks the tough question, What happens when we run out of cheap oil? Through expert interviews and archival footage, the film spells out in startling detail the challenges we would face in dealing with the possibility of a world without cheap oila world in which it may ultimately take more energy to drill for oil than we can extract from the oil the wells produce.Interviews include energy investment banking CEO Matthew Simmons, petroleum geologist Dr. Colin Campbell, former OPEC SecretaryGeneral Fadhil Chalabi, among many others. ........

Source: Wikipedia